Sunday, February 24, 2008

Do You Feel Outraged?

Just a few days ago when Hillary and Obama debated in San Antonio, Hillary sensed that going for jugular was not earning her any points. So she ended the "debate" taking the high ground and saying how "honored" she is to be running against Obama.

Now the gloves are off again and the desperation has set in. And, Hillary wants every Democrat to be outraged!! Why, because she might lose? Don't all of us have more important things on our minds beside Hillary Clinton's political ambitions?

Not to her, I guess.

From the LA Times:
CINCINNATI -- In a move to salvage her bid for the Democratic presidential nomination, Hillary Rodham Clinton adopted a newly bellicose tone toward rival Barack Obama on Saturday, saying he was making false and shameful attacks on her record.

The New York senator mocked Obama's speaking skills and his power to draw tens of thousands of supporters to rallies that have dwarfed her more modest events. Clinton scolded Obama for two campaign mailings that she described as distortions of her positions on healthcare and trade.

"Enough with the speeches and the big rallies, and then using tactics right out of Karl Rove's playbook," she said, alluding to President Bush's chief political advisor. "This is wrong, and every Democrat should be outraged."

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