Thursday, February 12, 2009

When A PR Firm Becomes The Story

The Killeen Furtney Group, I suspect, was very excited to be retained by "OctoMom" for PR. After all, Joann Killeen said "she is the most famous mom in the world."

That was before the world heard the details.

By all accounts, OctoMom has turned into a PR nightmare for Killeen Furtney Group. The more they do, the more the press and public turn against them and their client. What Killeen Furtney Group probably didn't realize was that OctoMom would become the poster child for everything wrong with the California economy. Not only has her giving birth to eight more kids come into scrutiny, the fact that California taxpayers will be footing the bill has made much of the public rage.

All PR firms like high profile clients. They are fun, exciting and often lucrative. But in this case, I bet Killeen Furtney Group would like to turn back the clock when they signed OctoMom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

PR firms face issues like this when they decide to take on high publicity clients, who in turn are not best perceived with warm delight from the public.

This is exactly why the Killeen Group has discontinued it's relationship with OctoMom.
